Holiday Stress

During the Holiday Season, many report and increase in depression, anxiety, and stress. There are many demands on us during this time of the year like attending parties, cooking, cleaning, family stress, financial strains, entertaining, and many more.

Here are 8 tips to help minimize stress during the holiday seasons:

  1. Be realistic: We all have expectations of what we want the holidays to look like. However, with these expectations can come disappointment. Holidays don’t have to be perfect. Try to embrace the small things and focus your energy on enjoying the people in your life.
  2. Acknowledge your feelings: The holiday seasons can be tough when you are missing someone important to you. It completely natural to feel sad. Give yourself permission to feel your emotions as they are.
  3. Budget: We can all get carried away during the holidays and go over budget. However, its important to set a budget and stick to it. Make list and plan ahead.
  4. Say No: It is okay to allow yourself to say no. When we say yes to things we really don’t want to do it can cause resentment and hard feelings towards others.
  5. Take time for self: Its important with added stress during holidays to take time for self-care. Go for a walk, get a massage, read a book, listen to music, meditation, deep breathing, or take a break to recharge.
  6. Stick with healthy habits: Its easy to overindulge during the holidays. This only adds to your stress. Try to stick with making healthy food choices, eating sweets in moderation, continue your exercise routine, and get plenty of sleep.
  7. Fill your time with supporters: A good way to decrease stress is by spending time with those who you enjoy to be around and lift you up.
  8. Seek Professional Help: Despite our best efforts there are times we may need more help to manage stress, depressed moods, and anxiety. Reach out to your doctor or a mental health professional for help.